Land For Sale
- 7326 7326 St Rt 19 Lot 146, Mount Gilead, Ohio 43338
- 0.26 Acre
- $60.33 est. taxes (half)
Buy to build and have access to all that is offered in desirable Candlewood Lake gated community with 24/7 security! Only 45 minutes from Columbus, Enjoy the great amenities of Candlewood Lake! This year-round Lake community offers the best of lake life including a private beach, 2 pools, 6 miles of shoreline, tennis, volleyball, basketball and a fitness center.
Additional Property Info
Location Details
- Street: 7326 St Rt 19 Lot 146
- Street Number: 7326
- School District: Northmor Local Schools
- Directions: State Route 19 to Candlewood main entrance.
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Aubrey Snow
- 419-632-4210
- 419-529-3047
- 419-529-4074
- [email protected]