Land For Sale
- 0 Haywood Drive, Mansfield, Ohio 44903
- 100 Acre
- 100 x 230 - .528 acre
- $102.01 est. taxes (half)
This great half-acre lot (.528 AC) is located in a well-established neighborhood and in close proximity to SR 13 & I-71. Well and septic approval needed. Lexington schools.
Additional Property Info
Location Details
- Street: Haywood Drive
- Street Number: 0
- School District: Lexington Local Schools
- Directions: St Rt 13 to Hanley Rd W to Grandview Terrace to Haywood Dr.
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Keri Nemeth
- 419-989-2504
- 419-529-3047
- 419-529-4074
- [email protected]