Commercial For Sale
- 445 W Longview Ave, Mansfield, Ohio 44903
- 2,164 Sqft
- $815.6 est. taxes (half)
Easy access within one minute of US 30. Large brick office building sitting on over an acre and half of ground. Conference Room features a wood burning fireplace with custom made mantle and beamed ceiling. Space for five offices and extra room for more desk areas, lobby sitting area to greet guests security room, kitchenette, 2 restrooms, and abundant storage. Metal roof and parking for approximately 14 spaces. Plenty of room for expansion for a growing business. This highly visible location can be seen from US 30.
Additional Property Info
- Heating System: Natural Gas
- Cooling System: Central Air
- Security: Security Lights
- Roof Deck: Wood Joist
- Parking: 14 +/-
- Interior Features: Storage
Location Details
- Street: Longview Ave
- Street Number: 445
- Directions: State Route 39 to East on Longview Avenue
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Property Magazine
Debra Jones
- 419-564-7985
- 419-529-3047
- 419-529-4074
- [email protected]